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Publishing Manifestos (Beta Version)

Editor: Michalis Pichler
Co-editors: Yaiza Camps, Moritz Grünke

Texts: Tauba Auerbach, Michael Baers, Derek Beaulieu, Riccardo Boglione, Jorge Luis Borges, Kate Briggs, Ulises Carrión, Paul Chan, Anita Di Bianco, Craig Dworkin, Constant Dullaart, Zenon Fajfer, Karl Holmqvist, John Holten & Ida Bencke, Annette Gilbert, Gloria Glitzer, Lisa Holzer & David Jourdan, Ray Johnson, Sharon Kivland, Kione Kochi, Tan Lin, El Lissitzky, Alessandro Ludovico, Sara MacKillop, Steve McCaffery & bp Nichol, Jonathan Monk, Simon Morris, Aurélie Noury, Clive Phillpot, Michalis Pichler, Adrian Piper, Vanessa Place & Robert Fitterman, Seth Price, Leon Munoz Santini, Joachim Schmid, Paul Soulellis, Matthew Stadler, Gertrude Stein, Paul Stephens, Mladen Stilinovic, Temporary Services, TIQQUN, Elisabeth Tonnard, Erik van der Weijde, Lawrence Weiner, Eric Watier, Eva Weinmayr, Jan Wenzel, Stephen Willats

Footnotes: Elisabeth Tonnard, The Bird from They were like Poetry
Inside Covers: Karl Holmqvist
Design: Moritz Grünke, we make it
May 2018, English
17 x 24 cm, 292 pages, b/w ill., softcover
ISBN: 978-3-86874-104-9

Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair is celebrating the 10th year of its existence by bringing together 263 exhibitors and with the publishing of an anthology called »Publishing Manifestos«.

»Publishing Manifestos« features key texts of critical engagement with publishing from protagonists of the field.

The book also features a comprehensive WHO IS WHO of publishers, as they showed up in 10 years Miss Read, with 600 separate entries, as well as information about activities of Miss Read since its inception in 2009.

First Edition: Out of Print

MIT Press will co-publish and distribute the expanded revised edition – online presale will start soon!