Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
Knaackstraße 97 (Kulturbrauerei)
10435 Berlin
Sunday, December 07, 2014, 4–9pm
The CONCEPTUAL POETICS DAY is an annual event that explores the imaginary border between visual art and literature.
The CONCEPTUAL POETICS DAY was launched in 2013 at Miss Read: The Berlin Art Book Fair and took place in 2014 for the second time.
Hank Schmidt in der Beek Gedichte für Typen wie mich (Verlag Heckler und Koch)
Michael Otto Excerptrepetition: Presseschau
Mara Genschel Kritik des prächtigen Antlitz Grundrisse einer moralischen Selbstverortung
Christine Lemke Die Verschwörung der Augen (Scriptings Achim Lengerer)
Charles Bernstein/Tobias Amslinger Gemeinschaft ist der Name für das, woran wir nicht festhalten können
Jérémie Bennequin À La Recherche Du Temps Perdu II (galerie du jour agnès b.)
5.10pm Break
Featuring a VJ playlist curated by Canadian poet Christian Bök
Annette Gilbert Appropriation (&) Literature (Luxbooks)
Hubert Kretschmer Collecting and Archiving Today (Archive Artist Publications)
John Holten Some Potential Books (Broken Dimanche Press)
Shane Anderson Anderson beyond brains / Cartesian Diver (Broken Dimanche Press) / Il Pleut, a Poem by Guillaume Apollinaire
by Shane Anderson by Natalie Czech
6.30pm Break
Featuring a VJ playlist curated by Canadian poet Christian Bök
Michalis Pichler A TWO THREE FOUR FIVE
Cia Rinne Notes for Soloists (OEI editör)
Charles Bernstein/Leonce Lupette Catabolism/Kräfteverfall aus Angriff der schweren Gedichte (Luxbooks)
Simon Morris Getting Inside Jack Kerouac’s Head (information as material)
Karl Holmquist NUMBERS
7.50pm Break
Featuring a VJ playlist curated by Canadian poet Christian Bök
Cia Rinne Enemies and Friends
Thomas Geiger Ich habe mir von oben auf den Kopf geschaut (Mark Pezinger Verlag)
Norbert Lange Dummkopfelegien oder was anderes
Olaf Niclolai/Jan Wenzel Labyrinth (Spector Books)
Hank Schmidt in der Beek Gedichte für Girls wie Dich (Verlag Heckler und Koch)
9.00pm Chillout
Featuring a VJ playlist curated by Canadian poet Christian Bök
Secret Santa Julkapp
– lectures, readings, discussions or other forms that navigate on both sides of the imaginary border between visual art and literature
– books that fall within the area of what is or could be POSTNAIVE
– thoughts, images, texts or thoughts that are somewhat more explicit, sometimes strategic… sometimes indulging in borrowing, stealing, appropriating, inheriting, assimilating… being influenced, inspired, dependent, indebted, haunted, possessed… quoting, rewriting, reworking, refashioning… a re-vision, reevaluation, variation, version, interpretation, imitation, proximation, supplement, increment, improvisation, prequel… pastiche, paraphrase, parody, forgery, homage, mimicry, travesty, shan-zhai, echo, allusion, intertextuality and karaoke.
Associated event: Original Pirate Material
Saturday December 6th 2014, 5-7 pm, Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
with Jérémie Bennequin, Janet Boatin, Annette Gilbert, Simon Morris,
Takao Suzuki, Pär Thörn and others
The poster of the CONCEPTUAL POETICS DAY 2014 was created by John Stezaker.
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